Robot Recipes
See All RobotsTutorial Robot #13: Rules + parts = behavior
By: Stu Barwick
This robot is specifically designed for the Cubelets Blockly learn to code tutorials. If you'd like to construct this robot we encourage you to complete Tutorial #13: Rules + pars = behavior. To complete this tutorial you will need to download the 3 starter files, cubelets_tutorial_13a.cubelet, cubelets_tutorial_13b.cubelet, and cubelets_tutorial13c.cubelet, which can be found below. If you would like to verify your work download the complete_tutorial_13a.cubelet, complete_tutorial_13b.cubelet and complete_tutorial_13c.cubelet files below. **Note that files 13a and 13b use Block IDs and require some customization to function properly.
Required Programs:
See the robot description to figure out which Cubelets need a custom program. Click on the link to download.





