Introducing Computer Science
Scope & Sequence
Grades 4 and up
The following scope and sequence contains 9 x 45-minute lessons designed for students of all ages to begin associating their Cubelets play with core computer science concepts such as conditional statements, loops, and the value of order and sequence. This unit relies heavily on data flow diagramming to promote computational and algorithmic thinking without requiring programming or coding experience. The lessons in this unit alternate between investigations answering questions like “Does distance between Cubelets matter?” and design challenges incorporating recent investigations. Of course, you might choose to teach these lessons out of order, skip some, or wish there were more!
Please use the link at the bottom of each lesson plan to provide your feedback or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
View the Google Docs version here.

Gradual Release Model
- Whole group: Diagram at least one simple robot construction and agree on common legend for diagrams
- Small group: Diagram and compare diagrams of various simple robot constructions
- *(Optional second day) Pairs: Diagram-and-trade exercise
Students will accurately diagram the flow of data in simple Cubelets robot constructions.

- Students investigate or review range of data values in Cubelets
- Students add data values to SENSE-ACT data flow diagrams
- Students add data values to data flow diagrams that include non-Battery THINK Cubelets, and only one SENSE Cubelet
- Students add data values to data flow diagrams that include 2 SENSE Cubelets
Students will demonstrate their understanding of data flow in Cubelets constructions by adding block values to their data flow diagrams and checking their work with the Bar Graph and/or the Cubelets app.

- Teacher presents challenge
- Students work in groups to collaboratively design their robot construction using Data Flow Diagrams
- Students prototype and test their design
- Students revise their design until they are successful
Students will use Design Thinking to design and prototype edge-sensing robot constructions.

- Teacher presents challenge
- Students work in groups to collaboratively design their robot construction using Data Flow Diagrams
- Students prototype and test their design
- Students revise their design until they are successful
Students will use Design Thinking to design and prototype line-following robot constructions

- Introduce vocabulary: Loops
- Students investigate using Rotate Cubelets to design robots that move based on loops
Students will design a variety of loops for their Cubelets robot constructions and give examples about how loops are useful in other applications.

- Students design robots that communicate using various ACT Cubelets
- Students then add a looping feature to their robot to automate the message

- Sentence Unscramble Warm Up
- Students use background knowledge to hypothesize whether (and when) order matters in Cubelets constructions
- Students investigate THINK Cubelets to collect evidence about whether order matters in Cubelets constructions
- Class combines evidence to determine whether order matters in Cubelets constructions
Students draw conclusions about whether (and when) order matters in Cubelets constructions.

- Introduce basic animal gathering behaviors (scavenging, foraging, and elusive)
- Students design scavenger robot
Students will apply their understanding of Cubelets to design a robot that demonstrates scavenging behavior.

- Introduce challenge & conditional statements
- Make connections to background knowledge
- Students investigate and incorporate Threshold Cubelet into an alarm clock
- Students design advertisements for their alarm clock design
- Students share their stories with classmates
Students design a light-detecting alarm clock based on conditional statements as shown by the Threshold Cubelet.