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A.A.6 | Using the Design Process

Created by: Modular Robotics

Lesson Overview:
In this lesson, students will use the Design Process to build a Cubelet robot, called an Artbot, that will produce art.

The Basics:
Ages: 13 – 17 years (grades 7-12)
Time: 30-45 minutes
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Lesson Goal (for the educator): Students will try to solve a problem, using Cubelets and the Design Process.
Lesson Objectives (for the students): My team will design and build an Artbot using the Cubelets and following the steps in the Design Process.
Essential Questions: Does our Artbot solve the problem? Is my team using the Design Process to help us with the construction of our Artbot?
21st Century Skills: Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration, Adapt to Change, Be Flexible, Manage Projects, Produce Results, Work Effectively in Diverse Teams
Concepts: The Design Process
Vocabulary: Rebuilding, tinkering, users
Required Cubelets: Any and all of the Cubelets you can make available to the students
Additional Materials: Student Robotics Journals and containers of materials including but not limited to: Legos, paper cups, markers/crayons/pencils, string, magnets, paper/binder clips, marbles, paper cups, brads, craft sticks, rubber bands, tape, google eyes, cardboard pieces, netting/cheesecloth, small hooks

The Standards:
ISTE: International Society for Technology Education

CCSS: Common Core Standards

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards

Prior Knowledge Necessary for the Student:
Understanding of Cubelets and their properties and how to reconfigure them to make changes to the robot’s behavior If no prior knowledge: Lessons up through A.A.5

Prior Knowledge for the Educator:

An Artbot may end up looking something like this – but the sky is the limit – see what your students come up with!

Educator Tips:
Before conducting this lesson, you may want to build an Artbot yourself.
  • Divide the class into groups of 2-5 students.
  • For each group, place in a container the Cubelets they will need.
  • For each group, gather the materials and place in containers the materials that are listed in the Additional Materials section of this lesson.

Lesson Plan Assets and Resources:

Click the buttons to download the Robot Journal and Extra Journal Pages



“In our last lesson, we learned about the Engineering Design Process. Today we are going to practice being engineers and solving a problem. Your team is going to use the Cubelets to build a robot, called an Artbot, which will be able to produce a piece of artwork. Your team will have a box of materials to use, but the rest is up to you. You will need to work together, using the design process, to come up with a solution.”

    Time: 2 Minutes
  1. “The problem to solve is to build a Cubelet robot, called an Artbot, which produces art.” You may want to show them several of the photos of Artbots included in this lesson
  2. “Remember, work as a team, use the design process, and see what you can come up with.” Show them the box of materials and clarify any questions students might have.
Time to Explore:
    Time: 20-30 Minutes
  1. Allow the students to carry out this project. Your job is to encourage team work, get them to think through their problems and/or issues that arise, make suggestions without giving answers, supply other requested materials they might need, etc.
  2. You may want to ask questions such as:
    • Does your team agree that the design solves the problem?
    • Are you happy with the speed at which your Artbot works?
    • Has your team tested the Artbot and solved issues to make it work more efficiently?
    • Time: 3-5 Minutes
    • In the end, you can have the teams share their Artbots.
    Time: 1-2 Minutes
  1. Talk with the class about this exercise and what they learned. Discuss real-life applications such as painting the lines on the street, on a basketball or tennis court, on their own playground for a 4-square, etc.
  2. Time: 5-7 Minutes
  3. Give students time to record their thoughts about this lesson in their Robotics Journal.
  4. Time: 2-3 Minutes
  5. Allow time for students to put materials away and plug in the Battery Cubelets for recharging.

End Results:

Students will use the Design Process to design and build an Artbot using Cubelets.

Optional Quick Write For Prompt and/or Evaluation:

Write about your experience using the Engineering Design Process and working on a team. Discuss both the positive and difficult issues that occurred when working together. Bonus: If, while you were working on your Artbot, you came up with a new idea for a robot with a different function describe it here.

What To Go To Next:
For More Review:
  • Repeat Using the Design Process having the Artbot behave in a different way A.A.6
If Objectives Are Met:
  • Design Thinking A.A.7

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