Meet Your Cubelets
Scope & Sequence
Grades 4-6
The following scope and sequence is designed for intermediate students (grades 4-6). Each lesson is intended to last 45 minutes and 10 lessons are designed as a two-week introduction to Cubelets so all students are familiar with the learning tool. Please use your professional judgment in deciding when you need to repeat a lesson, skip a lesson, or combine two lessons based on your class and your students. View the Google Docs version here.

Students play with Cubelets naturally
- Practice group norms
- Explore Cubelets – how to turn on Battery, how they attach together
Students will use their natural curiosity to explore Cubelets.

- Read aloud Robot Rumpus by Sean Taylor
- Investigate ACT Cubelets one by one
- Investigate SENSE Cubelets one by one
Students will investigate each ACT and SENSE Cubelet.

- Build Drive Bot with Distance SENSE
- Build robots using multiple ACT Cubelets
Students will practice flexible thinking by redesigning their robots for different jobs.

- Students investigate what happens when they add the red INVERSE Cubelet to their robots
- Students investigate what happens when they add the green PASSIVE Cubelet to their robots
- Students write Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Statements
Students will apply the scientific method to investigate THINK Cubelets.

- Students investigate robot constructions with two SENSES
- Students discuss findings from the investigation
Students apply their understanding of Cubelets to robots that use 2 SENSE Cubelets.

- Students build a variety of robot constructions
- Students choose at least one to model
- Students swap scientific drawings and attempt to build the robot that matches the image
Students will practice scientific modeling by drawing models of the robots they build.
Teachers look for:
- Students drawing with unique properties in mind
- Students use words to explain their drawings
- Note: scaffold modeling with this worksheet

- Read aloud The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
- Teacher gives challenges, students design to meet challenge constraints
- Students draw models of their designs
- Students share their responses to the challenges
Students will use critical thinking skills to build a specific robot based on a description.

- Read aloud The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli
- Students build robot constructions with their group and choose one to write about
- Draw a picture of their robot IN a story
- Could be tied to seasons or holidays or special places or imaginations
- Students plan and draft their story
- Students share their stories with classmates
Students will practice telling stories based on their understanding of how their Cubelet robot SENSEs and ACTs.

- Introduce learning target and learning task
- Students investigate Cubelets robot construction
- DStudents investigate using paper plates/cardstock to make a robot walk in a straight line
Students will use spatial reasoning and computational thinking skills to use paper as a programming tool for a robot construction.