Meet Your Cubelets
Scope & Sequence
Grades 7-12
The following scope and sequence is designed for middle school and high school students who have never seen Cubelets before. Each lesson is intended to last 55 minutes and 5 lessons are designed as a one-week introduction to Cubelets so all students are familiar with the learning tool and can use Cubelets as tools for learning and modeling other concepts in your classroom . Please use your professional judgment in deciding when you need to repeat a lesson, skip a lesson, or combine two lessons based on your class and your students. These lessons are loosely based on the Mini Makers Educator Pack – HOWEVER, for Middle School and High School students, we strongly recommend either the Creative Constructors or Inspired Inventor Packs because they contain more advanced Cubelets for your older learners. You will notice many lesson plans reference having blocks beyond the Mini Maker for this reason. View the Google Docs version here.

- Watch TEDx Talk about Emergence (9:24) or read article about Emergence
- Introduce Cubelets
- Students investigate SENSE and ACT Cubelets
- Students investigate THINK Cubelets

- Review Cubelets Vocabulary and Group Norms
- Students investigate Cubelets constructions using two SENSE Cubelets
- Students discuss findings from the investigation

- How do Tracked Vehicles turn?
- Students design steering robot constructions
- Students share and compare designs

- Students rotate through stations with unique combinations of Cubelets attempting to design for one common challenge
- Students share their responses to the challenge

- Students investigate Cubelets robot construction
- Students investigate using paper plates/cardstock to make a robot walk in a straight line