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What Cubelets would make a good add-on or addition to my kit?

An extra Battery Cubelet is the right way to go if you have several kids sharing a Cubelets set or have enough cubes that you could build separate robots and see how they interact.

The Bluetooth Hat is a great addition; with it, you can control your robot remotely via Bluetooth Low Energy technology using our Cubelets app for iOS, Android and FireOS smartphones and tablets. You can also use the Bluetooth Hat to program your Cubelets using Cubelets Blockly, an easy-to-learn visual programming language.

The Knob Cubelet is an awesome Sense Cubelet to own when you want to have more control over the input your robot creations are receiving.

Of course Drive Cubelets or Rotate Cubelets are always a great addition for builders who like their robots to move, steer and spin, which is just about everyone!

Think Cubelets like the Blocker Cubelet or Inverse Cubelet increases the complexity of your robot construction by changing the data communication between the Action and Sense blocks.  These colorful Cubelets are a good addition if you want to explore computational thinking or make more elaborate robots.

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