This week, our staff is exhibiting what can only be described as collaborative awesomeness in getting ready for CES. Travel arrangements are in full swing, checklists have been checked. And double checked.
Furniture has been built and crated for shipping.

It’s a flurry of activity around here, and it’s only the beginning. When we took a look at the event calendar, the truth dawned on us: we have at least one major event every month until August.
Game on, 2014. We’re thrilled to have so many cool venues for putting Cubelets and MOSS into people’s hands. I know that whenever I do a class, camp, teacher training or event, a light comes on as people start to make robots on their own.
As 2013 drew to a close, I was already feeling really pleased about all of the things Modular Robotics Education had done for the year. Classes, camps, museums, outreach, events and really building out our network. Getting to know our educational users and working directly with many of them lead to some amazing collaborations. The best of those lead to tangible wins, results, and take-aways for all the people involved. The best of the best lead to longer-term shared projects such as “how can we turn robot building into 5th graders learning programming?” or “let’s write a large unit on Engineering and design using Cubelets!”
As we kick-off 2014, I keep moving forward with big lesson planning projects and goals to delve into areas that might seem less obvious for creating robotics lesson plans and activities (Ecosystems and adaptation, math, literacy, and more!). I also am looking forward to working with more school districts, camps, and museums this year, as well as deepening our collaborations with those we’ve worked with in 2013.
And on top of that, my education contributions to our company’s whirlwind event schedule include appearing as an invited artist at Toronto International Film Festival’s Kids digiPlay space, us doing demos and workshops in D.C. at United States Science and Engineering Festival, and we’ll be speaking at conferences here in Colorado as well as in Atlanta for ISTE and at the Computer Science Teacher’s Association conference in Illinois!
See you out in the big world students and educators! We can’t wait to meet you and see what you do with Cubelets and MOSS in 2014.