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Are there activities or lesson plans available for Cubelets?

YES! The Hub is Modular Robotic’s landing page for all things Cubelets Education. You’ll find teacher resources like worksheets and posters and over 50 hours of absolutely free activities, lessons, and units for pre-K through high school!

Cubelets Print & Fold Activity Cards 
All Ages

Meet Your Cubelets Units
Pre-K to K, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-12

Introducing Computer Science Unit
Grades 4 & Up

Unit Implementation Guide 
Administrator Look-fors & Progress Monitoring

Cubelets Grab Bag
All Ages

Still have questions?  We’d love to help! You can always reach us at

in Education Tags: Common CoreCubeletseducationISTElesson plansNGSS